Monday, August 31, 2009
29 August 2009, Saturday

Hippy is adopted by Aisah Darlo but taken care by me! Request of B-dae grl this hippy is so spoilt..going around with his party hat!

He was being a sick sad! Hope u're better now!

Met my new fren? ____90 hehe...

I really didnt noe wad i was retard!

SPONTANEOUS victims of my dares!

I had to do my own dare!

Who's the UNCLE? I do not's all part of the game!

*evil laughs* sorry darl! guest who had a taste of my "Magic Drink"

*Copyright from Aisah Darlo Blog*
My reply to her blog.

I never expect this to happen on 29 August 2009. This is because i don't even have any idea who's coming for this gathering cum break of fast together. It's meant to be a surprise! All i know was upon reaching Bugis, i gotta meet Fizah. Surprisingly, i met Feefi with her cousin, Nabilah first. Thank God its someone i know. pheww. Waited for Fizah and off we go somewhere which i was not told at all. hmph. I was blindfolded from Bugis Junction till the place that we're eating at. I roughly got to know about what happened along the way. haha! Naz taking picture of us.. Fauzi and Fairuz being the traffic controller for the blindfolded woman and her 2 escorts.. i HOPE the Blindfolded journey was fun. We had our meal at Waterloo St. Which means i've been blindfolded, walking from Bugis Junction to Waterloo Street! Wait! before i was un-blinded, i heard Fauzi's voice so i'm confident that Fauzi was there but unsure about the rest tho. Haha! You spilled the beans dude! Then tadaa! un-blinded and surprise, surprise i saw Julie, Achie, Mufida, Iyliaq, Naz, Hida, Fauzi and Fairuz. Never expect Naz to be there since Emi is celebrating her birthday too. We played the parcel game for the first round and i'm the biggest victim of all. I just had to put you at the centre of attention. (makan time) Then came this waitress. She actually said smthg like, "do you want the cake now?" it was so loud and clear and heh! i got that. :P Achie brought the cake and they sang out loud for me. aww. Upon knowing that it was made by Sally's mum, on the spot i texted her up to thank her. And i actually knew its from her cos the designs looked familiar as the cupcakes. :) Gosh, that waitress really spoiled the extra surprise. U WERE SUPPOSE TO PRETEND YOU DIDN'T HEAR ANYTHING!

Off we walked to Arab St and we went sheesha-ing but not me. hehe! They didn't even tell me where they are heading to next. So i had to follow them only and no further questions asked. Continued the parcel game. Wow. Loads of dares.. examples? hah! Posing pointing to the stars, Sing twinkle-twinkle little star accompanied by me, asked for signature from strangers behind a photo of me and many more. iT's all about trust, hehe...hope you didnt mind the place. We couldn't really figure out a better place at bugis. Sorry though No SATAY!

And yup! the best part was the unexpected gifts from various cliques and the free shower of powder & glitters by them at the roadside. mY HUg was sincere! Hope you enjoy!

With that, i would like to thank these people very, very much for their presence, gift and effort in making this a happy occasion. yOur Welcome. I failed my mission though. i didnt see a single happy tear from you....but i still hope that you ENJOY YOURSELF and whatever wounds you had, hope that it has been healed!

Fizah & Hida- For being our dearest Organiser for this outing. IM SORRY, if there were hiccups!
Jakun + hida + boy Cine aka Naz = Crumpler 4 Million Dollar Home <3 style="color: rgb(0, 204, 204);">It's all worth it my friend!
Boogie Woogie = Cleaning Kit for camera (lols!) hehe...hope that small gift goes a long way for your baby!
La Famme = For the delicious cake & the venue decision maker
Sally & Mum = for baking the cake
fairuz - for his presence
Emil, Naz, Yanie, Hida, Fizah, Dayah, Nani, Boogie Woogie for the wishes in the card.

Once again thanks to Julie, Achie, Mufida, Iyliaq, Fauzi, Hida, Fairuz, Feefi, Nabilah, Fizah & Naz for coming down to celebrate my birthday. No other words can describe how thankful i am towards these people whom i've mentioned above. I really, really appreciate your effort so, so much. I really, really am happy and i'm speechless to say anything. All i can do for now is smile. Thank you very, very much sweethearts! i love you guys so much. I may not utter much words but i really am thankful. I'm still wondering what actually happens while i was blindfolded. Curious tho. Those shots that Naz took. You think i don't know isit? haha. No laa. its actually after Fizah told me. hehe!

But i would like to thank my Darling and Dearest for planning all this. Thank you both so, so much. I love you both very much. Thanks for all the hard work, sacrifices, time and everything. Trying to find the only time when i'm not around! haha! Its not easy right? lols. I guess that's about it. Photos will be either here or facebook k. Take care & i love you guys alot. <3

K....confession to Aisah Darlo. YES! All the evil plan/dares/Saboh was all me...IM SORRY! But you did had fun right? Frankly i knew things didn't go that smoothly...and i know there were lots of questions in your head,...sorry for keeping you in suspense. But sometime ignorance is best! to the rest of you who played the game and had to do stuffs..i hope yall take no offence and sincerely had fun!

Hehe...i luv the people in my world! Just simply fun-Luvin!

Nur Hida signing off.

4:47 AM

Friday, August 28, 2009
HaPpy B-dae Darl!

Happy B-Dae Nur Aisah a.k.a my mummy a.k.a Darl!
U're OLD now...haizz....but dun worry no matter how OLD u get i still love U!! Hehe...
U've been there for me, and i hope i've been there for u too! Spilling secrets to one another, having a joyful & crazy times wenever we're together! i thannk u for all the wonderful memories! U're truly one friend whom i hope to treasure and i wanna be selfish enough to have u in my life 4eva! hehe

K...her b-dae is yesterdae im jus WOLS enuf to update 2dae! so ya.haizz..haizz...another fren who is OLD... :P

Nur Hida signing off do realise that she'll get old too.. :P

9:46 PM

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Im _______________________________! :) :(

Pics are obviously not in order, belated pics from the F1 Training, to meeting up with the UnsTabLes and to the Istana Session wif the Fun ppl!
Dont mind the dumb2 video.... going to shut up n ya..

Nur Hida signing off.

2:58 AM

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Will be M.I.A

Taken from Aisah Darlo Bloggy.

Good morning everyone!

I just wanna say thanks to Juliana, Shaiful, Nazirul, Fauzi, Iyliaq and Hida for coming down for a hang out time at Istana Park yest. It was all impromptu but it turned out Triple the Fun! Tonnes of laughter and giggling moments! For us to know, for you to find out what's hot & happening yow. The next one must be extra fun yarh! :D

- Counter 29 @ ICA
- Ayam Penyet Brunch
- "Willy Wonka" 's elevator (MY PERSONAL FAV.)
- Pinching moments
- Chop-chilli chop
- Murderer
- Monopoly
- Huh? What? and the list goes on...

Thanks for spending the last day before puasa together. We should do this often tho. hahah. alrights.. photos will be uploaded soon but don't know when, at facebook kay. :) Selamat berpuasa to all my Muslims friends.

Hehe,,,sori aisah....copyrite from ur blog..jgn marah hehe!

This week was bad, fun, funny, weird, really bad and nice. Its a MASH-UP week.

Im a bookworm now.

Nur Hida signing off.

3:33 AM

Sunday, August 16, 2009
The Wonderful AYG Colleagues/AYG Appreciation Night

4:07 AM

Nur Hida !

young as i wanna be / 29/11/hater / proud / nice / friendly / Proud Saggitarius/ Simply Not Available, My heart is numb.(:
Curious?; facebook / blogskins
noteeee!encoding; unicode

Simply Me

I'm one who have said things and done things...Been proven right, been proven wrong, still learning about life... Wants the best out of most things... Loves the people around me.. Make them upset and you'll be hearing from me!

Fun Facts !

They prove to be a good friend and always help the person in need. They expect nothing in return. This quality in them keeps no one annoyed with them for too long. They are fun loving and boundaries often denies them of happiness. They are quite moody and react to the same situations differently due to their moods. They are a mixed blend of humor, intellect and honesty. They are fun loving and it is difficult to keep them concentrated on a single situation for too long.They are innocent and speak up what is in their mind. They seem to be a little confused. They speak out harshly unintentionally making the person offended.

mutterings !

tagboard code here preferbly cbox
! chats can be here too.
runaways !

your friend(: your friend(: your friend(: your friend(: your friend(:

credits !

  • Layout done by: audrey
  • Images by: deviantart
  • Coded in: blogger
  • Skins available at
  • Image hosted at

    do not remove ! (:



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