Friday, July 31, 2009
And so...i've to get started..

# She's my Banana Bakso Date #

Yesterday...i was once again a walking Zombie, was not myself. "IM SORRY", could not work my brains for anything. I SUX at training, brought my Zombie-ness to training. I need a series of serious wake UP call. After FB, hehe, had Bakso "tour" with Aisah Darlo again at causewae. The "banana" i had was seriously too sweet.

*My mum Looks at me one kind, giving me a really strange look!*
Mummy: ??
Mummy: Sure? Y nvr go out... * still looking at me strangely*

What im saying basically that even my mum now is not use to havin me home..haizz...its like i don't know...i need more home stay? Yes, i know...staying at home could be boring....but when you're like outta the house almost every day and the same routine repeats over n over again, you'll just crave for a Day-stay at Home Sweet Home

Hmm, thinking about today, Tink Aisah & clique shld be at the library now...doing their stuff...hehe..sori darl..didnt join ya!

Dear UnsTabLes,
I sincerely hope you are reading this. How are you guys & girls? Fine? Are you guys enjoying your life? I really hope you do. Well, i just miss you people, and upon reading Ain's blog, i do hope Ain will set a day for Us to meet up really soon. Just a minute ago, i had lots of things to ask and say to all of you. But then i do feel guilty for not taking the extra effort to actually really keep in touch with all of you. Do hope we meet up soon, before fasting month, so at least i wont feel so bad if i kinda "bitch" around.

Anyway, oh my god...i am so seriously am craving for J.CO Donuts, i am so hoping that i'll get to consume this sinful food before fasting month starts. Mc Spicy & Double Cheeseburger is back on my list!
Starbucks cookies too... Now i feel like drinking coke... etc...etc...the list goes on...

Mission for today even though im only at home is to complete my LPD project hopefully get started on the slides etc...etc.. Still have no clue on what i am gonna do about..

Friendship means a million things to me. I am lost without it, i don't think i'll be ablt to live to the fullest. Your hurt is being shared, but i am selfish enough to keep my hurt to myself. I sincerely hope you'll share your hurt, if not i'll be really ...... I admit i am not perfect, but if you're willing to give me that chance, i'll work to be near perfection. PLease, i beg u, don't hurt yourself and all the more don't let OTHERS hurt you.

Nur Hida signing off.

10:30 PM

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Today is friday, yes its friday. Usuallly i'll feel happy, now i feel so tired n sleepy. I feel old, my back/ankle hurts.... such thing as playing too much sports mayb? I DO NOT KNOW for how long i can stand this. Am i putting too much soul in FB, that i actually dreamy abt miss K. just now...i remember the location its like at ITE TAMP! OMG! I am totally suppose once again to be packing my bag, but i am....haizz... *smiLes*
Shall stop complaining and ya...CHEER UP!.

Pray that i do not tumble, fumble during training later. She says. "Mini selection...." I say...selection or not...butterflies will still be in my stomach...n i will still like go crazy in a so not good way.

I sleeping as much as i can. SOunds like a pig? That's how exhausted my body/mind feels...

Nur Hida signing off.

5:08 PM

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
RoLLing on the Ground!

From my previous post "its been some time since i've been whacked by either the stick/ball...let it stay that way please!"

From Aisah's Darlo latest post
"And poor Hida, she went tumbling on the ground twice. hahah. so cute. lols." ya basically i went rolling on the floor yesterday... * DOUBLE WINKS TO 2 GOOD DEFENDERS, AISAH & SUPERSTAR FAN* KuDOS 2 Aisah! U CAN DO IT! CHEER UP!

K....i am so suppose to be packing my bag right now...NO..i happily feel like updating my blog. K....s& i have the right aura? *hehe*

Currently am Luvin Lily Allen's Fuck U!

Nur Hida signing off.

6:23 PM

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My HaPpy PiLL n0w is like J.C0 Donuts! I want it,i need it. Tired, sleepy, don't know what i do...but i totally feel like a WalkiNG ZomBie today! Today was an "emotionaL" day for me, i kept crying for no reason..hehe...but i think Bo0Gie W0oGie is s0 used to it... This is what happens when i have sleepy eyes, i tear easily. I SWEAR I AM NOT EMOTIONALLY AFFECTED etc.....
I want the huge cookie from StarBucks! Haizz...
I can't wait for a wk-end stay at h0me! I've been ouTTa the house, not being able to stay the wh0le day at home, since like last Wed. It's kinda a good thing, i've gain like err....gooodies & $$...n like ya...had fUn with me frenzies... Haizz...tmr onwards b back late...tmr Floorball, thurs S&W(end late but Fun yet sweaty) fri floorBaLL again..whee...its been some time since i've been whacked by either the stick/ball...let it stay that way please!

I am so bLoody hungry now...but i am so freaking lazy to like go eat... This is weird but i am craving for Maggi Curry.

To my AngeL: Get me my J.c0 Donuts PLEASE!

*Things happen, but all you have to do is acknowledge it with a smile*
Nur Hida a.k.a FaT CaT a.k.a UnsTabLe a.k.a 0inkY signing off. :b

3:40 AM

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Surprise?! This is ALL i am willing to update for NOW! many more to ya..this shall make up for my absence in this blog.
See ya!
Take care Lovelies!
Luv YaLL.
Nur Hida signing off.

12:00 AM

Nur Hida !

young as i wanna be / 29/11/hater / proud / nice / friendly / Proud Saggitarius/ Simply Not Available, My heart is numb.(:
Curious?; facebook / blogskins
noteeee!encoding; unicode

Simply Me

I'm one who have said things and done things...Been proven right, been proven wrong, still learning about life... Wants the best out of most things... Loves the people around me.. Make them upset and you'll be hearing from me!

Fun Facts !

They prove to be a good friend and always help the person in need. They expect nothing in return. This quality in them keeps no one annoyed with them for too long. They are fun loving and boundaries often denies them of happiness. They are quite moody and react to the same situations differently due to their moods. They are a mixed blend of humor, intellect and honesty. They are fun loving and it is difficult to keep them concentrated on a single situation for too long.They are innocent and speak up what is in their mind. They seem to be a little confused. They speak out harshly unintentionally making the person offended.

mutterings !

tagboard code here preferbly cbox
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credits !

  • Layout done by: audrey
  • Images by: deviantart
  • Coded in: blogger
  • Skins available at
  • Image hosted at

    do not remove ! (:



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