Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I am going to start jumping like mad very soon....








6:47 PM

Monday, June 22, 2009

IM HERE CUZ BAIZ TOLD ME 2 DO SO! I am so blur not knowing what to type.

Random memory.

Shaiful: U wan the macadenian nut or choc chip cookie?
Me:Nah...i dun wan...
*SHaiful gave that weird look*
Vas: This is so NOT U!
Me:What....its normal...


i lazy ar...i check my calendar..its so filled...2dae...n wed...is like my only "holidae"

i tink ar....

Training & Ayg,,,,

Basically i cant wait for my HOLIDAE NOT IN SG! YEAH..ITS NOT FAR...BUT WATEVA!



3:22 AM

Thursday, June 11, 2009

*Wink-Wink* Hello people.... How are You? Heheheheheh...n NO im n0t getting a new phone YET!!!!
Waiting for time to pass by...while waitin to like go 4 FB training...on an empty stomach! On the bright side, i think i AM SO GONNA GET THE COOKIES AFTER training,,,HOPEFULLY!

Next week is the week! Yeah!

To JAKUNs....do we really have to bring 2 pair of shoes?


Boredom ends here, cookie luvin begins

Nur Hida a.k.a Fat Cat signing off.

7:11 PM

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Can i have MOre time pls....its so rushing...

Pics are in a mess.... i know....some pics are like even from the stone age!
K....i've been neglecting my blog, i am sorry! I've access to the net, but i am just too lazy...
Sch is tirin, entertaining and being entertained by the BooGie Wo0gie is tiring too! ADM CA is like so finally OVER! sTUDY at the LAST minute, but hopefully i can like pass the paper...the questions like chicken feet. K, better NOT be over-confident! AYG is coming, im like so panickin, even though im not like the participant or anything! I've not done the e-modules, i've pass e deadlines for some forms! My dates are all mess up, I NEED A PA!!! K...wait...economy d0wn! I need an organiser badly, at least something where i can scribble all my training dates, floorball dates, AYG dates,soon...F1's training dates..... ARGG!!! June is so fast...i've been doing things and like going around...but i've still not got my cookies from Famous Amos! SO PPL...U NOE WAD 2 DO! *wink-wink* e only DAY that i think i'll enjoy and am looking forward to is like SEAFOOD date wif B0ogie Woogie! I feel so messed up, out of the blue....i've to attend this and go for that... I want a day to all myself...no-one and nothing to disturb me....so i can watch ben 10 the whole day,and sleep when i want to.... But this will not be anytime soon... After sch ends, got "Camp GereK",hehe this will be fun too...scandals are there! Camp is like next week..whee...
Before going on to next week...this friday got FB training..... I feel like reading story book..i need a book...i need more memory for my mp3!!! Had lunch at pizza hut yesterdae wif Bo0Gie-Wo0Gie, *wink-wink* eye candy was there.... Tuesday was like the eye-candy day! Yummy! K....can i freeze time now...i am so enjoying the free time that will last me til today. Holiday is so short....i hope i can have a holiday....

Hehe....niwae...special thanx to BooGie Wo0Gie for entertaining me and keeping me company last week,hehe...my mum happily went overseas for a holiday WITHOUT ME,,,and she left and kinda like did NOT feed me before she left :(! I NEED FOOD,,,,ITS SO SAD SHE LEFT ME WITHOUT LEAVING ANY FOOD BEHIND...! Thankfully had Bo0Gie Wo0gie to company me for meals in and outside sch! Yeah....
Talking about food,,,having Mee Soto/Sims Fiesta with UnsTables this Sunday the 14th. Now i've to make space for sims...somehow....

Naggy but not really makes sense story. I would let have pics tell the story,,but my memory card is missing...so ya...its missing at home..think have to maybe ransacked the room then can find. BTW pics from previous post, r like my Kallang Donut date wif Darl & Dear,wanted to sunat my stick but we were too late, so had to go the next day instead, but i didnt go..only darl aisah went wif dear fizah,they had a date without me! :(

Niwae...thanx to vas, she now happily in library with me chattin wif Dun-noe-who....hmmmm... *wink-wink*

CravingS List: - Macaroni Cheese
- Lasagna
- Famous Amos Cookies
- Mee Soto
- J Co. Donuts
- Laksa
- Ice Cream
- To be added more

K...i think, mel know,huda knows,baiz maybe know...i dun think ain know. :)

So people Love Cookies & HORROR! That's the way of life.

2:26 AM

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I still crave for cookies!

i wanted to update...but im lazy...so ya...MY BLOG IS DEAD!



2:28 AM

Nur Hida !

young as i wanna be / 29/11/hater / proud / nice / friendly / Proud Saggitarius/ Simply Not Available, My heart is numb.(:
Curious?; facebook / blogskins
noteeee!encoding; unicode

Simply Me

I'm one who have said things and done things...Been proven right, been proven wrong, still learning about life... Wants the best out of most things... Loves the people around me.. Make them upset and you'll be hearing from me!

Fun Facts !

They prove to be a good friend and always help the person in need. They expect nothing in return. This quality in them keeps no one annoyed with them for too long. They are fun loving and boundaries often denies them of happiness. They are quite moody and react to the same situations differently due to their moods. They are a mixed blend of humor, intellect and honesty. They are fun loving and it is difficult to keep them concentrated on a single situation for too long.They are innocent and speak up what is in their mind. They seem to be a little confused. They speak out harshly unintentionally making the person offended.

mutterings !

tagboard code here preferbly cbox
! chats can be here too.
runaways !

your friend(: your friend(: your friend(: your friend(: your friend(:

credits !

  • Layout done by: audrey
  • Images by: deviantart
  • Coded in: blogger
  • Skins available at blogskins.com
  • Image hosted at photobucket.com

    do not remove ! (:



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