Thursday, May 14, 2009
Aint dying yet!


buruk side of me...when i didnt sleep for 2 days..n totally not enuf rest..but still got 2 go sch & floorball!

My mum IN THE ARCADE PLAYIG TIME CRISIS! cool shit or wad!

OMG! People be patient with me...i noe i owe pics taken onth 7-13 May! Class chalet, Fizah's birthday and even like the Blood Donation Drive tingy! K, sidetrack a bit...anyone knows where to get the Kinder Bueno like totally craving for it! omg!
K...back..i've tons of pics to update....currently with Baiz in LIBRARY at NP....using the stressed out with uploadin pics..while she's like stressed out with her sch stuff! Im getting so freaking hungry like uploadin pics!
I do not know what tto update frankly!

OOH...YESTERDAY i HAPPILY AND LIKE SO EXCITED WENT FOR the blood donation tingy...dah appply form and like just waitin to go for doc check-up! GUESS WAD E DOC TOLD ME! IM UNDERWEIGHT!!!! ME,NUR HIDA AM SP UNDERWEIGHT! IMPOSSIBLE! IM A HAPPY SWINE AND SHE SAYS IM UNDERWEIGHT! heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehheheheheeh

NIwae...ppl..i dun tink i'll be able to update & upload everytin so hungry n tired... tis post makes no sense i noe...!!

to thsoe who know.yeah...k...this sux! time for a swit divorce! whee...i dun noe...
puttin on with this drama...haha..i must say though i do miss acting!

i wan Famous Amos cookies! tired of subway! argg! feed me if not i'll die! fish head!

im tired of acting, tired of being hungry...tired of doodles..
i wanna get this over and done wif!!

k...luv u ppl! make sure yall makan ar! so wen i c yall...u chubby2 ready...then i can feel slim!
k..shitty crap...i better stop now!

Nur Hida a.k.a UnsTabLe a.k.a 0inkY signing off!

3:53 AM

Monday, May 4, 2009
Can't keep my hands off the cookie jar.....

3rd May 2009
Nur Hida Bte Sulaiman actually went to watch a MALAY horror movie, "Jangan Tegur" at YISHUN GV! WTH! Random, i know...just felt like i needed some LAUGHTERS! hehe...i hope nobody saw me...i was with my shorts and jacket,with my geeky specs, easier to pass of a 13-yr-old,and the thing was i was with my cousin,her mum and my mum! Felt like kids needed PG to watch movie at night,hehe at least i didnt have to pay for anything! It was W-E-I-R-D! Total no offence but wth, many mak ciks in the theatre, pity all the couples, wanna romance also confirm they segan! OOpsy! The Experience watching a MALAY horror movie at YISHUN GV's theater was kinda an eX-Perience! My friends call me crazy for laughing when i watch horror, but i discovered that there are other people who's just like me...or maybe its because the ghost in the movie IS NOT SCARY! It's kinda more humorous, i think i can do better horrible make-up! Those other half of the people in there including my lovely cuz, hehe so cute lah, she started my laughing gas....even BEFORE the ghost come out, she was ready like getting ready to cover her eyes, the SOUNd SYSTEM was NOT even scary! WTH! People do critic about movie....i do a bit of the movie and the people watching it! Too bad, didnt had time for cheesecake at Mac, haizz next day schooling! Though i start at 1pm.... hehe

4th May 2009
Today haizz, i WOKE UP EARLY, SURPRISE! I'll always end up waking up late when i start sch early and vice-versa! Niwae, i woke up abt 9 plus, roll on the bed with my mp3 for abt 20 mins, read book 10 mins, then manage to catch a glimpse of Ben 10 on Cartoon Network, then Stared at Ellen DeGeneres for about 10 mins on channel 5, then back to Teen Titans on Cartoon Network, then abt 10 30, decided to get my FAT, LAZY butt off slacking, took me 15 mins just to take my uniform out....! Took a total of 30 mins to iron my uniform, i do not know why but i was just like being fussy with myself!

Then there goes my 3rd bro come knocking saying he wanna use the lappy for a while...hehe...and there i go SUPRISINGLY BEING NICE TO MY 3RD BRO,allowing him to use the lappy...
Jeng-Jeng, k people of the world i gtg...u take care..
OOPSY i've a test to study for!

Nur Hida signing off.

5:29 AM

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Gotta be SOmebody

Watch X-men yesterday...hehe
Me happily walking to the cashier at Cathay: Excuse mE, X-Men Please...
Cashier: Sorry, X-Men not showing at any Cathay Cinemas...
Thanx to a someone who especially just loves to torture me....
To those who missed me & have not seen me for quite a while, this in the current condition that i am... Sch is tiring me out, i think, plus active attendance of Floorball, and the thought of the upcoming plans that is going to surround me, just tire me out!
Hehe, alright maybe i am just giving plain stupid excuses! But still sympathy is still gained, LOOK at my huge and bloopy eyebags! SUX! *inSpired by ain's blog, i've a test this coming tues on ADM,and i must say....i was paying attention ONLY for the 1st 3 pages, after that....ZZzzzzzz* *Inspired by aisah's darlo bloggy, IM GOIN TO DONATE BLOOD ON MAY 13...i think...ooh...1st..time...hehe....the lucky person to get my blood will be a happy/HYPER person* *inspired by baiz...i feel like eating pastamania and i still got cravings for COOKIES*
Following my own mood, i am extremely hungry right now.....

IT is taking me ages to finish reading a book surprisingly....because i've to juggle time between my psp,mp3,book,sch & friends and other social stuff...wth....

Have U met my new Tender-Heart Carebear?!
im nvr gonna change....haizz...

Here begins the flow of the pics during the MOU signing!

WHO MISS THIS GUY?! HAHA...YALL...CALLIN ALL UnsTabLes...HE WANTS A GROUP OUTING SOON..HE MISSES ALL THE CRAP AND NONSENCICAL N GOOFY US! but rite...this idiot say must make appointment with him first...somebody too busy....

Surprisingly though we're in the same sch,we rarely get to really talk...bugger!

Vas,Iyliaq & mE

Ok...confession...i am simply tooo lazy to type every photo detail out...yall are smart people i am very sure of yall make up ur own fairy tale k!

Yeah. i think i do not own any more for mell...hehe..i can try diggin out some of the old pics...i'll upload once i find it..then u copy paste? k? hee...

The rest of you take care,

Things have change,
Memories remain,
It's not all the same,
Just be part of the game,
and u'll be safe!

Nur Hida a.k.a Young Missy a.k.a UnsTable a.k.a 0inkY signing off.

4:38 AM

Nur Hida !

young as i wanna be / 29/11/hater / proud / nice / friendly / Proud Saggitarius/ Simply Not Available, My heart is numb.(:
Curious?; facebook / blogskins
noteeee!encoding; unicode

Simply Me

I'm one who have said things and done things...Been proven right, been proven wrong, still learning about life... Wants the best out of most things... Loves the people around me.. Make them upset and you'll be hearing from me!

Fun Facts !

They prove to be a good friend and always help the person in need. They expect nothing in return. This quality in them keeps no one annoyed with them for too long. They are fun loving and boundaries often denies them of happiness. They are quite moody and react to the same situations differently due to their moods. They are a mixed blend of humor, intellect and honesty. They are fun loving and it is difficult to keep them concentrated on a single situation for too long.They are innocent and speak up what is in their mind. They seem to be a little confused. They speak out harshly unintentionally making the person offended.

mutterings !

tagboard code here preferbly cbox
! chats can be here too.
runaways !

your friend(: your friend(: your friend(: your friend(: your friend(:

credits !

  • Layout done by: audrey
  • Images by: deviantart
  • Coded in: blogger
  • Skins available at
  • Image hosted at

    do not remove ! (:



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