Sunday, March 29, 2009
Time Passes me Without Me Realising It.

A new Collection!

29 March 2009
All words no pics will be B-O-R-I-N-G! Anyway pics taken just yesterday with the Rockstar, MOnster & Cuzzy! We were on a mission, for now that mission shall remain in secrecy! Got to admit i miss them, though i was kinda bullied, Laughters with them was at most Enjoyable! Being the only girl and like having small legs, is a disadavantage when you go out with 3 long leg guys! Haizz, but thankfully i still managed to catch up! Oh gosh i LUV myself!

28 March 2009
Got drag my Mummy to Downtown East for a Wedding, even though i WAS STILL SICK! My Mum L-O-V-E-S ME! Comments and critics regarding to event will be kept in secrecy! (What's up with me and all these SecrecY?!)
ooH....ya....this day was also supposed to be a Satay-Day for GF, but heh.....S-O-R-R-Y i was really too sick, totally wth to me! BUT SORRY K,

27 March 2009
Was S-I-C-K! I'VE BEEN A S-I-C-K ASS FOR LAST WEEK Anyway, was N-I-C-E enough to still go meet GF waited like an idiot, and to think a MRT will be more efficient than the TAXI, was P-E-A-K hour DARL! Nvm, my energy was too limited to pursue the matter, thankfully there was that PINKY stuff(as shown in pic). I think P-I-N-K is totally attracted to me, oh gosh. K, L-A-M-E, i know but WTH you're still reading my blog, hehe...
Headed to town, k...details kinda pathetic, let it just be a sweet memory for me & gf! Kwa-kwa

26 March 2009
Moving on, went out with UnsTabLes. S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E, yes i went to company these people to Karaoke, WOW N-U-R H-I-D-A actually does that...hehe..i noe...dun S-H-Y! It was a very interesting and unique experience. But like i said, i WAS a S-I-C-K Ass to really enjoy anything at all.

Conclusion lah people, i was a sick ass but i still reserved the energy to go out with all the GILER ppl. Laughters was kinda my medicine to numb my sickness temporarily i guess! So today, im staying at home, being a PIG, hehe....and tmr....(Baiz will be so glad to hear this) im goin FB training,YES im goin..cuz Aisah Darlo & Fizah Dear also going, what's training without my Loving Scandals! Xox0! and after that....details of event shall remain in secrecy for now. Heh

Surprise! Im craving for Cookies, Prata, BBQ, Potato Chips, Mc Spicy, KFC, BREAKFAST FROM LJS & BK, Ice Cream,Cotton Candy and etc,
somehow though when these are present in front of me, i dont feel like consuming them haizz...


I've found a new drug, addicted to my GF.

That's all the crappy update i've for you now. Hope i've managed to get yoU pass a few boring minutes. Yall take care aite. C u soon, LoveLies.

Nur Hida a.k.a UnsTable a.k.a 0inkY a.k.a Young Missy signing off.

11:12 PM

Thursday, March 26, 2009
So u've heard.


Being sick during the holidays aint fun!
Bad Fever attack me, Bad Headaches is trying to kill me, Bad Stomach/Appetite is draining all my energy and smiles out! In conclusion i feel like a Zombie. I've updates to update, but then i decided to like get all the updates before i understand? Cause i myself aint sure if what im updating makes any sense, my brain is like so dead. HELP!

Am gonna pretend im all better!
To those who knows, YEAH! But to those who don't your time will come. Please don't kill or scream at me!

*Thinking of Ain's Future plans, & Baiz singing career just put me to a World Of Laughters! Loving them, so Huda how's your future will be like? Hehe

Nur Hida a.k.a UnsTabLe signing off.

11:38 PM

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
K,leg so cramp up!

Hehe, hello yall!
Gosh, stuck at home, too lazy to go out niwae....haizz...haizzz...
My ankleS are like so freaking cramped up,,,they make me feel XTRA old...goodness!!! arggg!! idiot...though its ready my 2nd wk of holidae...its like only reali 2dae i start to like stay at home, being able to play game n watch tv all dae long. Muahahahahhaa i nd new entertainment...tis i such a random update..kwa-kwa..

To those who know.yeah. to those who dont...ur time will come soon.

Nur Hida Signing off with a Hungry Stomach! (tiz line inspired by ain!)

12:51 AM

Sunday, March 22, 2009
All Smiles

Hehe, hello people of the World? Miss Me? Well i know i miss yall! Recently, have been spent wif FamiLia, cause its like those Sch Holidays n stuff..... so we Bonded! aww...crapy me!

Hehe, niwae...woohooo LIKE FINALLY I MANAGED TO WACTH MY BLOODY VALENTIE 3D with GF! Also managed to catch Race To Witch Mountain
! Whee i really surprise Myself, believe it or not, my energy level was so and stil am freaking low, will only be crazy if am activated! Oh gosh....what a bore if i don't go crazy, but then im too tired and sleepy! Gues what, since its the Holidays MR & MRS INSOMNIA came for a visit again, this time more often than usual! Oh gosh, its as if they only allow me to like a catc literaly only 3hours of sleep per day, ARGG STUPID EYEBAGS & DARK CIRCLES ARE UPGRADING!!!

Niwae, errr..ya...oh..gosh....i've lots of answering to do,,,haizz..Boo Cha Chak only lah!

Frankly even I surprise myself!

I wasn’t looking for this
What is this?
I don’t know
You know I was doing just fine
By myself
On my own
Tell me how to
Stop this feeling

I don’t wanna fall in love
Just wanna have a little fun
Then you came and swept me up
And now I’m done, so done
Fallen madly deeply I
Surprised myself enough to find
That what’s begun
Is love
And now I’m done, so done
I’m done

I can’t imagine right now
Standing here
Without you
To think that I tried to ignore
What I felt
What I knew
I could never
Stop this feeling

I don’t wanna fall in love
Just wanna have a little fun
Then you came and swept me up
And now I’m done, so done
Fallen madly deeply I
Surprised myself enough to find
That what’s begun
Is love
And now I’m done, so done
I’m done

Thank you for not letting go
When I said let me go
Thank you for timing
Thank your finding
Thank you for not believing me
Baby when I said

I don’t wanna fall in love
Just wanna have a little fun
Then you came and swept me up
And now I’m done, so done
Fallen madly deeply I
Surprised myself enough to find
That what’s begun
Is love
And now I’m done, so done
I’m done

I wasn’t looking for this
And now I’m done
I’m done

Signing off with a Smile, I'll see yall soon!

11:24 PM

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
He's Old.....all of us are getting OLD!!!!

Happy 29th Birthday to my 2nd Bro! Obviously the guy in red is my bro, the other guy is my Dad people!!!

Bought "Clothes" for his Monkey!

This is the Monkey i bought for my bro last Yr!!!!

This year im nice enuf to get tis monkey clothes....

But Even though the monkey aint stil defeat my Hippy! Wad a BULLY!!!

K, on a happy note.whee...last Sun i MET MY SO CALLED LONG LOST FRIEND NUR SAFINAH pri sch fren... Mitin up this friday i think...omg! i was totally shocked wen i saw her...she's changed...and she gonna be a police..seh...still in trainin though!

On the other hand, i feel lost...i really am...actually i was cool about everything and just went with the flow. But the more i think about it, i feel as if there;s a lot of factors to this! If i've a clear mind, it's just actually not that relevant. For the first time, i was playing cool all the way. And so.... there are still Blanks to be filled.

I LUV my FRIENDS, all of them, i really do....
They're like my true Lovers in Life.
But sometimes, knowing they're there, it's fine..
Knowing they're hurt, makes me feel stupid

I am lost in my Own Freaking World! The only guide i have is me i guess..... Taking baby steps with fear instill in me.

Surprisingly Family is Blood, but Friends are Oxygen!


Nur Hida Signing Off.

11:57 PM

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Emotions are Running All over me! Its making me weirdly uncomfortable!

I wanna learn to play the piano!
I wanna that HUgey CAMERA!
I wanna that Polaroid camera!
I wanna be that Smart Ass!
I wanna have a talent!

haizz......these few days has been uniquely interesting! Had fun, smiles on me all day long! A wk-end gone that fast!

Nur Hida is Signing Out.

5:41 AM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Angry is So not Me!

I hate being angry! I hate havin people angry with me!
K...i've chilled...don't know why anger just got better off me these past few mood got all mix up! I miss my HUMONGOUS appetite! Believe it mood and appetite sux to the max for the last few days.
Everything went sucky wen im mood out n angry!
BUt whatever move..on..
i dun wanna waste my energy being angry all the time!
I thank yall for being patient n like lookin at my stupid n moody-ness! going to lose 0.5kg tmr and gain back 10kg! yipee yeah...

im waitin.....hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe


pheww.....nvm..they're the people i luv...! i noe they Luv me 2 even thought they dun say it...

BTW EXAMS ARE OVER! but i dun wanna tok abt it! heheheheheheheheheheheheehehhehehehehehehehehehehe


k...i'll keep quiet....hehehehehehehehehehheheheheheh
i luv ben 10!!!!

Trouble Loves Company!

Nur Hida luvs yall! Signing off.... bee choop chap!

12:55 AM

Friday, March 6, 2009

Nur Hida is gonna dissapear from the face of this world as she has freaking dumb exams coming! So yeah, will be back when im back.! U people just life k...! Take care please! Dun play with fire, when crossing the road look left,look right! btw...tink my sim card a bit ya...phm2 je!

I am dying with stuffing too much info inmy brain!
I understand nuts abt marketing! Why cant they just sae they wans to make lots n lots of profit.the end!

Fish head!

Signing off!

4:46 AM

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Wakenabeb! hehe its all aite..just a communication breakdown.

Aite, pics am not totally are not in order...
But still thank the Ain's Boifie for being spontaneous and like haha...accepted the forfeit!

My bag was effing heavy ya!

Victim for the forfeit!

Make-up! hehe....hawties at work!

I just love Whipped Cream when it comes to this!

So...a special present for ain!

Look at the Hida Bab Hooda!
Actually its Hida, Baiz, Huda!!

Perfecto Jump Shot!

HEHE....i dream of being a Synchronised Swimming!


Ambassador of Sentosa!


Nice ambience, Yummy Dinner, Lovely people!

Surprise! But i am too freaking lazy to update! On the detailed story, more information pls Bloghop to either Ain's or Baiz or even Huda blog! hehe...tehy are better at storytelling!
Adieos Amigos! Enjoy and Cheerios!

Nur Hida signing off!

3:11 AM

Nur Hida !

young as i wanna be / 29/11/hater / proud / nice / friendly / Proud Saggitarius/ Simply Not Available, My heart is numb.(:
Curious?; facebook / blogskins
noteeee!encoding; unicode

Simply Me

I'm one who have said things and done things...Been proven right, been proven wrong, still learning about life... Wants the best out of most things... Loves the people around me.. Make them upset and you'll be hearing from me!

Fun Facts !

They prove to be a good friend and always help the person in need. They expect nothing in return. This quality in them keeps no one annoyed with them for too long. They are fun loving and boundaries often denies them of happiness. They are quite moody and react to the same situations differently due to their moods. They are a mixed blend of humor, intellect and honesty. They are fun loving and it is difficult to keep them concentrated on a single situation for too long.They are innocent and speak up what is in their mind. They seem to be a little confused. They speak out harshly unintentionally making the person offended.

mutterings !

tagboard code here preferbly cbox
! chats can be here too.
runaways !

your friend(: your friend(: your friend(: your friend(: your friend(:

credits !

  • Layout done by: audrey
  • Images by: deviantart
  • Coded in: blogger
  • Skins available at
  • Image hosted at

    do not remove ! (:



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