Thursday, July 31, 2008
Challenges are Fun!

OMG!! Didnt know that i was that freaking dumb! Haha..ok..officially...IDA IS BACK!!! The UNWANTED DEPRESSION is LOST!!! I am too freaking stupid...
But wth..i am back...
THEY(Baiz,Wadiah,Daniel,Hakim,Din,Musfirah & Syahidah) brought me back...their LAUGHTERS was MY CURE! Seriously...i took things too just gonna chill and go with the flow...and GO ALL E WAY and just believe in MYSELF! LJS was kinda funny & weird...i met with baiz for DRAMA juniors join us..haha..didnt expect them...thannx to them..i seriously had a BLAST of LAUGHTERS!!! im reminded of the joke(about ME) at the train...gosh...Vas jus has to say it out.. :p!!!
TOday was fun..and i want more!


UnsTabLe a.k.a Ida

5:03 AM

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
What should i say?

This week is a challenging and tiring week for me! One thing for sure...its a guarantee that i screw up Microsoft Excel CA on Tues! OFA seems easy...but can be pretty stressful at times....! Maybe it's because i don't have much interest when going for lessons as it will just be typing out this & that! for to worry about the Powerpoint Project...!!
Anyway...err....ya....yesterday was FB training...merged with team 1 !!! So my beloved Baiz was also there! Hehe...Baiz..i know i ignored you during the training when you were talking to me..i AM SO SORRY!!! DID THAT ON PURPOSE!!!! I tend to get pretty stress out during training....but then i'll get over it..!!! For the last 30 minutes of training we had friendly matches...for the first few team didnt do that well as we all admit that we were pretty nervous about going against Team they handle the ball pretty smoothly! But after the lecture/ENCOURAGEMENT from coach...we got back on our feet..!! And ya...ALL....OF US WERE OUT OF BREATHS AT THE END OF THE DAY...its not even possible for you to be injury-free at the end of the day!
Here comes the short story of why i am really blogging right now! Some of yall ready know...and i don't know why but simply when yall talk about it..i simply try to change or avoid the topic! It could be because i am not really confident and am unsure of my own standards! But still,given this chance...i will persevere and go crazy with the game! FIZAH,AISAH & BAIZ....IM NOT SURE IF U NOE THIS...BUT I AM GLAD U WERE WITH ME YESTERDAY....IF NOT I'LL BE TOTALLY LOST AND CONFUSED! TOTALLY GRATEFULL TO YALL! LOVE U DARLZ MANY-MANY & LOTZ!
Thanx to everybody!

WooTz. That's ALL for today.

UnsTabLe a.k.a 0inkY a.k.a Ida

12:53 AM

Friday, July 25, 2008

Racial Harmony was a blast! Met/irritate some new ppl!!! Gaining more love for SBSC! Everything went smoothly thanx to iyliaq's nagging...err...leadership i mean..!!!
Happy B-dae to Shaiful!!! actually his birthday is yesterday but...wadever!!! Hope u'll b a rockstar...n hopefully b less irritating!! hehe :P
Too lazy to update so ya...worried abt CA...gdness...shhh...y do exams exist?

Nothing is Perfect in this World,but once u overlook the Imperfection...Everything will be perfect!

Yours Truly,
UnsTabLe a.k.a OinkY a.k.a Ida

8:20 AM

Monday, July 21, 2008
Omg....Been a Tiring & fun week...

OMG!!!! 1ST LY I WANNA WISH HAPPY 18th B-dae to Rizuan a.k.a The Magician!!! Gosh...he's ready 18...! when will it be my turn... :)! like TOO lazy wanna like usual a pic can says a thousand yall make up ur own story aite,,!! But here;s e mini e previous was pics from e Fun on Foot n gang didnt complete it...but we sure had fun!
Then on Sunday...went to mit e PPL to study for BZF...frankly we couldn't ya...studied 4 a while...then went causewae to walk arnd...then went to e library again to study...well at least manage to study a while..
After that...abt 3 plus...went to mit PPG...argg!!! been sum time since we had crazy n mad fun like yesterdae!!! The funny thing is Me & Baiz is still argueing on who is Bubbles...n she stil cant accept tat im BUBBLES!!! k...TATZ all...jus go through e pics..n u'll understand tat i had a crazy dae...!!


5:51 AM

Nur Hida !

young as i wanna be / 29/11/hater / proud / nice / friendly / Proud Saggitarius/ Simply Not Available, My heart is numb.(:
Curious?; facebook / blogskins
noteeee!encoding; unicode

Simply Me

I'm one who have said things and done things...Been proven right, been proven wrong, still learning about life... Wants the best out of most things... Loves the people around me.. Make them upset and you'll be hearing from me!

Fun Facts !

They prove to be a good friend and always help the person in need. They expect nothing in return. This quality in them keeps no one annoyed with them for too long. They are fun loving and boundaries often denies them of happiness. They are quite moody and react to the same situations differently due to their moods. They are a mixed blend of humor, intellect and honesty. They are fun loving and it is difficult to keep them concentrated on a single situation for too long.They are innocent and speak up what is in their mind. They seem to be a little confused. They speak out harshly unintentionally making the person offended.

mutterings !

tagboard code here preferbly cbox
! chats can be here too.
runaways !

your friend(: your friend(: your friend(: your friend(: your friend(:

credits !

  • Layout done by: audrey
  • Images by: deviantart
  • Coded in: blogger
  • Skins available at
  • Image hosted at

    do not remove ! (:



    my past !

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    July 2009
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    counting !

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