Monday, June 30, 2008
Like Finally......

I've finish changing my blogskin at about 8...then i wanted to update...but somehow i didn't manage to do so till now. Due to MSN CHAOS!
Nvm...let's move on.

Moving on, thought i'll stay at home...till Baiz msg me...both of us were bored and simply rotting at DECIDED to go for STARBUCKS!!!! Whee...hehe...Baiz White Mocha Frappe still aint that nice! My Caramel Frappe is not bad...though i looking for a new kinda Frappe....think i think i've tried most of the stuff on e Frappe Menu.... usual...Baizz will update me on certain stuffs..!! BTW HAPPY 1 MTH BAIZ!!! Remember just take things slow and be patient aite..!! Every YUG is different!
After starbucks....went to timezone...I WON THE RACE...! Hehe..played some stupid/childish games....but we still had FUN!!!! Then walked arnd...did our usual stuff...
BOY/GIRL MONKEY!!! I WANNA BUY!!! the pics n baiz,...kinda went GILA at ya..!!
Lazy wanna type ready!!
So BYe!!

Grudges are a waste of Happiness.
Laugh when U can.
Apologise when U should
And let GO of what you can't CHANGE!
Love deeply and forgive Quickly
Take chances. Give Everything & have NO regrets!!
Life is too Short to be Unhappy!
You have to take the good with the bad!
Smile when you're Sad. Love what you Got!
And always remember what You had.
Always forgive, never forget.
Learn from your mistakes, but never regret.

Ida a.k.a UnsTabLe a.k.a 0inkY!

6:14 AM

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Had the Student Club Bonding thingy over at East Coast. Typically slow and not well-planned. Boring! Though the people there are friendly! Met people who i've never seen before even though we're like in the same school! Me,Vas,Iyliaq n Naz left early! Hehe...glad that Vas cancelled her tuition so we managed to head to AMK hub 4 like an early dinner/late lunch. These people are simply adorable & interesting! We chatted over some really random issues!


Went over to East Coast AGAIN! This time to meet my beloved ISQians for cycling! I confidently thought that I will be playing Roller-Blade...but WTH in the end i Ride a bike! Can't remember when exactly was the last time i ride a bike!!! Hmm...the interesting thing was that Yani & Ju rent the 2 seater bike...kinda cute they 2..!!! A few other interesthing happened too...but nvm...!!



Day started fine...was still fine....felt ok..till end of the day which was just now...i got pissed off!!! This is really freakingly irritating! But thank god i didnt lose my temper on the wrong/innocent ppl!!!

I don't get it. I seriously don't! U're the monster! So freaky...even i got like scared...but i am always scared...!!!

Wadever lah!!! argg!!!

Ida seriously hates the way it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8:02 AM

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's been some time now. And i've still not contacted my juniors even Wadiah/Faezah...
Feel kinda i am always the one saying that even after i graduate nothing will change...we;ll just have to stay in contact n and we will stay crazy together! Saw my juniors touched that they remember me...! But i seriously miss the DRAMATic/SC laughter & madness!

Aniway,holidays is kinda driving me crazy. Argg!! Think maybe becuz my bro is at home...gdness...irritatin!!! I am too used to them NOT being at home so often..or at least me not bein home 24/7!!


UnsTabLe a.k.a Ida

7:08 AM

Monday, June 23, 2008
London English Not Advised

Had fun today. Went to Vas house to do our project! Goodness...simply madness! Feel like screaming at myself...1stly...didnt noe wad i was doin durin the video..simply actin crap! & i didnt remember e script!
Basically, all of us didnt exactly remeber the script simply not in the mood to like lines...!!
There;s pics..but err...nvm..
Tired & Sleepy! Movie!!! Whee...

Tell me how i'm suppose to breathe with no air!

Yours Truly,
UnsTabLe a.k.a Ida

7:25 AM

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Went out with Baiz to watch Get Smart. Wanted to like watch Kung Fu Panda but Baiz watch ready. Till now btw,i've still not watch Kung Fu Panda! Aniway, the movie was just my kind Violent & Funny, to those saddistic people like me, it's a good movie! After the movie, head back to Yishun to meet my beloveds (Ain & bf, Mel & Bf, Huda)hehe of course baiz were there too.! As usual we met at Starbucks, i was craving for coffee! Of course, when the bunch of us were together...confirm kecoh..haha..miss em so much!!! Hehe...

Went to town. Wif Kuzins & Mumz! Dun believe the bunch of us head to town just to get something for my bro. But its kinda cool,cuz we had vouchers! HOWEVER,I WAS DUMB ENOUGH NOT TO BUT ANYTHING JUST BECUZ I CANT DECIDE ON WAD 2 BUY...GDNESS...HIDA....U HAD AN OPPURTUNITY TO GET TAT PUMA SHOE,ADIDAS/KAPPA JACKET, FILA BAG AND EVEN TAT LEVIS SHOE! argg...i was a dumbass on fridae.

Stayed at home being sick. n makin myself stress out!

Went to pasar malam in the evening wif mum to buy some snacks & also but the congkak CD! Gdness..the shown is freakin lame....its e 1st malay horror show tat i watch wif my eyes open big through out the whole show.. In fact the show was funny..the ghost looks like the hulk nye mak...simply so green!

Basically..updates are like short summaries...!!!

Hehe..aniwae...for 2dae..
Dear my beloved Ain,
ok...since luv is in e air in e North...i try my best find..cuz no currently..i dun feel any air!!! gosh....u dun have 2 announce it in ur blog...since u did...tot i'll b nice 2 reply in my blog!!!

1)Congrats to Kak Mas for getting a baby girl!
2)CUCUs Ibrahim's ROX!
3) wish myself gd luck fro project later
4)im hungry...cravin 4 donuts.

Ok.Whatever.Full Stop.
Shall update later if im not lazy.
So take a bow!

Yours Madly,
UnsTabLe a.k.a Ida

9:30 PM

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

shoot! i realise something is wrong...hmm....

12:52 AM

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Emotional Distress,Still Life goes on.....

Today is one of the many times where I've been to the airport, but so far in my life I will always go there to either send someone off or pick someone up! Today I was at the airport to send Kak Yan, Kak GG & friends, they're heading to Brisbane, Australia. Over at Popeye's, with a heavy heart I ask what's the program over there & goodness Kak Yan happily told me that once they reach there it will be morning so they will be going to SKYDIVE! Yes, people am so jealous...argg! They even goin to try out some water-sports over there....OMG! MUMMY!!! usual, i was totally depressed that I've not even ride a plane before to travel anyway....! I think like among my whole family, I'm the only pathetic soul who has not been on a plane before. But it's ok....argg...actually it's not ok! I've not been to a real holiday before....a holiday where I can enjoy, relax & have fun with no worries.... K..fine...i went to Malacca...but it was not a big deal for me...i still had to worry about school & hw at that point of time!
Mum plans to bring me to Genting this coming Aug....hmm...i don't know if that will come i won't get my hopes up...haizz.... Excitement is what i need in my life now...

Australia for Skydiving!
Bali for Water-Sports!
Batam for Bungee Jumping!
Any other interesting activities that anyone is willing to tell me to make me jeaolous?

ANYWAY, I overcome my depression by as usual being vain with my cousin! On the way usual...i took bus..then before every terminal will have this Auxilliary Police to board the bus then check ya...i was sitting near door...n i was searching for my my hands were like a bit stretch out... The officer pass by...and he like bang into my i gave a LOUD *TSK* then look at him...not realising that he was a ya..when he walk back...he look then he apologise! Sorry...officer..didnt mean it..still i was nice enough to smile back.. My kuzin called me giler for that...!
Reached back in yishun at abt 10 30...bu still mum & aunt wanted to head to the pasar malam...blah-blah...reach back home at 11 30! gdness...dont believe i still got energy to nitez!

In or Out,
My Life still goes on.....

Yours Sincerely,
UnsTabLe a.k.a Ida

9:08 AM

Monday, June 16, 2008

My message is simple, we may have someone new,we may have new goals, we may have a new life, and new friends, but one thing for sure, i do not want to lose this friendship, i'll put all my efforts just to maintain this frienship and to gain back all our crazyness. We are lacking in vain pics...people! But whatever it is people, i still love you people and am currently missing yall to the max! I'm not lettin memories of US ending at sec fact i'll make sure memories oF US will continue for the rest of our lives, making it more sweet! :P

Life is funny, interesting, weird but at the same time nice.
Hmm....hehe...ok u noe i shall just spill everything here... my swit lover/friend...i think you know that i am referring to you aite...hehe...k...i don't believe it..i had to spy around to get the details....! But i hope U're happy with him...think U are already happy! Anyway....guess this shows how bad a friend i am....totally not updated about you people...haizz....Therefore, this calls for a Re-Union actually...not so a reunion but more of a catch-up session...that includes Cheesecake & Frappe over at Starbucks.... I know you've been hearing this for like a billion times...but just doesn't happen...hmm...i apologise for that... I assure you it will happen by this week...hopefully..! Think we really need's been some time since U people told me your secrets...n its been some time since I've heard stories from yall!!!!!!

When our eyes met, I know that yoU're the one.
Someone I can depend on, for friendship and some fun.

To keep me company, in both good & bad times.
Promise me endless care, come rain or shine.

Nothing can replace your voice in my mind.
Forever best of friends, warm, caring and kind.

Always my #1!

Yours Sincerely,
UnsTabLe a.k.a Ida

9:51 PM

Nur Hida !

young as i wanna be / 29/11/hater / proud / nice / friendly / Proud Saggitarius/ Simply Not Available, My heart is numb.(:
Curious?; facebook / blogskins
noteeee!encoding; unicode

Simply Me

I'm one who have said things and done things...Been proven right, been proven wrong, still learning about life... Wants the best out of most things... Loves the people around me.. Make them upset and you'll be hearing from me!

Fun Facts !

They prove to be a good friend and always help the person in need. They expect nothing in return. This quality in them keeps no one annoyed with them for too long. They are fun loving and boundaries often denies them of happiness. They are quite moody and react to the same situations differently due to their moods. They are a mixed blend of humor, intellect and honesty. They are fun loving and it is difficult to keep them concentrated on a single situation for too long.They are innocent and speak up what is in their mind. They seem to be a little confused. They speak out harshly unintentionally making the person offended.

mutterings !

tagboard code here preferbly cbox
! chats can be here too.
runaways !

your friend(: your friend(: your friend(: your friend(: your friend(:

credits !

  • Layout done by: audrey
  • Images by: deviantart
  • Coded in: blogger
  • Skins available at
  • Image hosted at

    do not remove ! (:



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