Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tears of Excitement swit darl came sch so ya,,,yipee..i got partner...darl didn't come yesterdae as darl was sick..hehe..:P!!!
Aniway my swity Vas was late today...didn't believe she bothered coming to goody!
Aniway...once again OFA was a bore. Everyone got their ez-link except for me...that is simply great....! My passport picture are all gone....fill forms here and there...!! Haizz...aniway..once again today i had 2 hours break..and as usual..the crazy bunch of us went to canteen for break..and played games....!! Too much laughters going on..that i got too excited that i laugh till i friends were like shocked and laughing at the same time!!! Guess it's the first time that they see my tears of laughters!!! Kwa...for the rest of u mad are use too it!!!
Aniway...then got that subject...!!!
Blah-blah...actually i took a few pics today & yesterday..but it's not in my phone..hehe...i forgot to blueTOOTH!! whee..soo...ya..till then.i shall not bore you people with a blog filled with too much words!!!!


Tears of Excitement Proves My Happiness,
UnsTabLe a.k.a Ida

5:06 AM

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Life goes on...

This is pretty random but i am currently typing with 9 fingers! I have a really painful mini injury on my left finger and i also have another two blisters on my two elbows! *OUCH* Don't know how exactly i got these blisters...i had only realised it after i finish playing games with my gong-gong friends(Ilyaq,Mufida,Vas,Ju,Nura,Zee,Charizard & Hanis) in school just now! yeah...we had 2 hour break just ended up playing some really funny/weird games...think we had attracted lots of attention as we were like playing in the canteen!!
Goodness...aniway...i woke up late was late 4 school...luckily Vas also was yipee!!! Together late....we even took bus to school even when it's not raining as ya we were LAZY!! I hate it when i feel i'll do lots of weird stuff like i'll either be too nice/evil! Basically crazy...!
Ok...fine...Hida is randomly weird! proud to announced that my class is proven to be UNITED! As we won yesterday's game of captain ball against ISO(not sure wad the class) haha..and even though we had to play lame games/cheers...alll of us were simply spontaneous !!!!!

Life in school is simply sweet and enjoyable and not sucky!!! Though i am not able to say the same for certain lessons that i have to go too.....However i am glad to say that i love accounting!!! Guess i miss the numbers...haha...brings memories of DL & BY!!!! Miss these 2 hot people!!!

ok..people...My life ain't a drama so that's all for now!!! I am just blogging for fun!! ya....adieos amigos!!!!

Love life when it's sweet!

UnsTabLe a.k.a Ida.

4:19 AM

Friday, April 25, 2008
The Starting.....

Ok..haha...its only the beginning of a Saturday and i am ready blogging. Basically its because i am bored! Haha..
Aniway..the pics above was taken on wed i think...wen the majority of the class went to J8 during our 2 hour break!
These are the crazy/kecoh/nice people i have to face when i go school. I make it sound so bad...when it is actually enjoyable!
Woohoo....aniway..yesterday went back to NBSS after a long...long time....! Went back to take my cert and also my insurance cheque still ain't ready..! Went back NBSS with me both of us felt really...weird!!!! Felt like we're complete strangers to the school! Manage to take a peep of Mr Donny ..haha...mel should be happy...if she manage to see him!!! room is still in a mess...! Tired...! HAIZZ...
for today..shall just study,,,,hopefully i will..then play PSP...and any other nonsensical stuff i am able to do! haha...

Boredness Attacks Once Again.

UnsTabLe a.k.a Nur Hida.

11:41 PM

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The New Way of Lifel

Goody afternoon people.
Ok,the post that i am about to type if for those who is simply bored or bloghopping.

Basically today only had Office and Accounting, the bad/good thing is that in between these two lessons, the class had a two hours break. So of course, the beloveds of ISQ..... well at least 80% of the class went out together to junction 8. Had decided to eat breakfast at Mac. At first decided to go LJS but then due to majority votes in the end went to Mac. So had breakfast, and as usual with the crazy members of ISQ, even during the meal we had laughters. Ok.....people, you know the plasma screen TV at Mac? So yes,they this TV, and you can actually dedicate messages to your friends and the messages will appear on the screen. So ya my joker/funny friend message....hoping to see the message on the TV,but no matter how long we waited the message simply didn't appeared. She even actually called the operator to ask how long it will take to see the message on the TV. She was told 10 minutes...but i think we waited for like at least 12 minutes and we simply were watching the same old messages over and over again. So we gave up and decided to go to the rooftop garden at Junction 8....though, i still do not understand why it's being called the rooftop garden, as it is not literally on the rooftop! Anyway went up,and as it was just an empty space with a small stage at the front. The big bunch of us had to sit down on the floor and we girls with our "COMFORTABLE" skirts had to sit down on the floor too. Had a friend who brought UNO cards too...first we played Police & Murderer....then we decided to play Mafia instead,seems more fun...somehow i was the first one to get killed....hmm......bad friends..haha..joking...I will love them no matter what....!!! They are simply too lovable...every single one of them has their own unique characteristics. Played the game till about 10 minutes to 12,as we still had Accounting class to attend!!!! Accounting was ok..i mean i could understand....I totally should have taken Accounting instead of A-Maths in secondary school. Why wasn't I spared some of the sufferings in Secondary School. That was totally random,but no matter what I won't forget the memories in Secondary School,as I had grown from there..i mean not literally in height or whatever..just basically in like character or something.
Anyway, we were dismissed half an hour early from accounting, simply adore the "Mdm" (I've basically have not mastered the term used for teacher in ITE,therefore i shall just label them as MDM first. Btw I still have problems remembering some of my classmates names....haizz...i really have to upgrade my storage of memory in my brain)
The conclusion of today is that basically it was a good day,thanks to the wonderful friends I have in days now are filled with laughters and therefore i hope that the laughters do not stop!!!! Kecoh2 ISQ!!!!

Adoring all my Friends happily,
Nur Hida a.k.a Young Missy.

12:26 AM

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
halo ppl of the world.....

hello..ya2...i noe ppl..i haven update for like a long long time...haha...sorry internet have been oso im like usin e lappy nye internet at home... i dun noe wad to type.. kuzin is beside me..tellin me stories... i noe typically ya!! haha....
k...basically..ITE HAS been a fun life,seriously i regret taking my 'O' levels..haha...too bad ready took it,,,
Aniway for you people info my class name is ISQ. I dare to say that my class is typically Kecoh but united,all are spontaneous can take sarcasms!!! But simply there are still people who is WOLS...!! Let's see today for goodness sake,i had 2 hours break today so ya,me and a few had break at canteen then finally decided to join the rest AT J8!! Surprisingly the guys tagged along....haha...actually at first semangat want got out as a class in the end split jugak... So ya...i wanted to head to Mini get my SUGAR SUPPLY/SWEETS!!! But then i got scolded by a fren who keeps remindin me to control my intake my sugar level as it may cause Diabetes...
To the people who are new to my blog,my simple confession will be that i love sweets lots! So therefore,i get addicted easily. But be caution once my intake of sugar is too high,i will simply go.....i just won't be normal. I hope you people will understand. Please pity this small kid who suffers from a medical condition of.....i shall leave it to the maturity of you people to decide what condition exactly i am suffering from.

Ya2..i post is kinda lame...i type now oso like rush2...!!!

UnsTabLe a.k.a Hida.

3:16 AM

Monday, April 14, 2008
A Funny Day....kwa2.. those smart ppl yup2...todae its my 1st day of sch..haha..
I've to admit i was excited for sch,and yesterday night i couldn't really sleep..haha..
Todae semangat wake up early...tinkin wad color socks to use..haha..stupid i noe..
so ya..left house...n gdness a lot of ppl sia kat mrt station...dong-dong betul...idiotic ppl..if dun wan take e train..dun stand directly at e yellow line blockin e door lah...kate je working adult tapi tak pakai otak...BODOH!!!!! aniwae...dah kat mrt shiok sendiri hear mp3... hehe..aniwae...half wae...ridh1 called me..he wif farina..i tot they reach sch ready seh..haha...didnt noe they at i ask 1 to wait for me at foyer....haiz.z..only manage to mit traffic light...
i was so happy to c 1 n farina..haha...tot 1 kan bdk 2nd tot he pandai..lupernye...tak gune..aniwae...nak register mcm nak vote 4 election seh..haha..aniwae..dun noe wads sup wif me...murnin2 dah ya...i smile here smile there...ask e SC where my class...duh...padehal in front of my ya due to my gilerness i make new fren wif e giler ppl...they dah giler2 paling kecoh kat class...we all like cartoon characters in class...
hehe...aniwae..thanx 2 beloveds who msg me..hehe..luv yall lah...
btw i saw many look-alikes..of *ehem*...*eheM* nice2 name..

The end.
Tmr start early..but tink start

Giler simply Rox,

6:41 AM

Friday, April 11, 2008
Check out my Slide Show!

10:38 PM

It is simply a Wow.

doodles..... Who says you need a boyfriend to help you carry your shopping bags? Haha, for me i had my giler friends to carry MY shopping bags.Hehe. Thanx Baiz & Huda. Got to admit though,at first dun wan let them help...but then...due to one gigantic bag..i had no choice. Though Baiz enjoyed carrying that gigantic Bag.
Hehe...aniway,let's see on thursday went out with Baiz to Tamp. I wanted to get my sch shoe,semangat plan wanna get shoe either from adidas/nike/converse,but in the end i bought it from I.P zone. As only there did the shoes attract my eyes. Hehe...btw Baiz almost fell at the Puma shop at tamp mall,think the sales guy saw it.!!!! kwa-kwa. At the end of the day,i end up with two gigantic big bags to bring home. So in the end,Baiz carry one, i carried one!
Hehe..then yesterday,went out wif Baiz again and also not forgetting the Happy emo huda!!! Hip-Hip hurray!!! kwa-kwa,giler seh!!!! 1st semangat walk all the way to the flyer side from city hall there,following Baiz long route. Went there to get a soft toy,I going all the way there tog et a soft toy!!! U can ask baiz & huda,it was a unique soft toy,whereby you have to go through a "ritual" to bring it to Life!!!!! The details of the ritual shall remain only between me,huda and baiz. It was too *ehem* "interesting". We spent about 1 hour at the Soft toy's workshop. Then went to the Unknown garden,to like vain. Then walk back to Marina Square to eat,ate at KFC & the MALE cashier WAS TOTALLY LIKE A BITCH! He even acts like a slut! Totally spoilt the mood wen we were there!!! Idiot!!! Hehe...after that...we walk all over Marina Square,then to citylink mall then to Raffles city Shopping Centre to finally to suntec. ANd while we were walking to suntec,Huda discovered Beach Rd.Hip-hip Hurray!!!! We got a lil high wen we had reached Suntec. 1stly Baiz happily went to this shop dah semangat wan buy clothes....but haha since she didnt had cash,she wanted to pay by nets...n hehe....THE SHOP DIDNT ACCEPT NETS!!!! Baiz was so pissed. Then saw tis mini shop tat sells Boxers,and baiz semagat seh tis particular boxer was for girls...wen actualli its for guys!!! PPL LOOKIN 4 BOXERS!!!dO NOT ASK BAIZ FOR ADVICE!!!!! We were walkin all over suntec and got so beat,then we went for Coffee Break,*ehem* mcm phm je!!! head to starbucks....Haizz...start lah the giler!!!
Once we found a seat and dah parking all the dumb shopping Bags.....
Me & Baiz look at each other...wif huda in the middle...

Baiz: I want toffe nut latte (4got wad she exactly wanted jus an example)
Me: I want Caramel Frappucino.
Me and baiz repeated this for like 5 times.
Huda: Halo,here got no waiter ya.!!!!!
Me and baiz finally said this fro another 3 times,then we go buy.
When wan to order also kecoh!!!
Cashier: Yes,miss,what would you like?
Me: Err...give me one Caramel Frappucino..
Me: Give met me the G size?
Cashier: Grande miss? y don't you add 50 cents to get the biggest one!
Me:err...can ar...
Cashier: Maybe you would like to try the White Chocolate Mocha?
Me: I want that..
Baiz: Too late..
Me: I want that..
Baiz;Too late...
Argued and argued for another 45 seconds...

Ala...lazy ar..want type....i hungry seh...i noe the sentence of the day is from baiz...
Baiz:my nose IS DRIPPING!!!
So..ya...wait for pics..then yall pandai2..make your own story!!!

The end,
UnsTabLe a.k.a Hida

9:35 PM

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
im LOST!!!!
i really want tat psp slim(deep red color) so badly...but then if i get that...cant get presents..sumhow tiz the mth of birthdays...then i stil owe itik/ppl present!!! walao!!! i buy a bit selfish..
wth!!! i feel a BIT guilty seh if i get the psp... so many things runnin through my mind...but impt is lens...tat 1 no prob...but then...alah..i wan psp reaction fuckin slow then nak giler2 psp...dulu org tanye...step cool je...BODOH LAH!!!!! idiotic...check net..japanese manufacturer e psp cheap...but i prefer the US ne ni... 2nd hand?? can...but then susah nak cari package nye!!!


6:51 AM

Monday, April 7, 2008

You Should Be an Actor

You have a flair for the dramatic, and you probably already do a lot of acting in your day to day life, just to entertain yourself.

No need to steal the spotlight from your friends... You'll get plenty of attention once you start acting professionally!

What Sort of Artist Should You Be?

You Are 40% Spoiled

You're barely spoiled. You may have some nice things, but you never let them go to your head.

You appreciate each gift you're given - and you don't dwell on what you "deserve" to have.

Are You Spoiled?

You Could Be a Vampire... If You Had To

Like most people, the thought of being a vampire has crossed your mind. But you're not sure if you'd do it, even if you could.

Living forever doesn't sound half bad, if you could live forever with the people you love the most.

But do vampires even love? And would the vampire version of you even be you?

It's all too much to contemplate. Luckily, the chances of you ever becoming a vampire are astronomically low.

What you would like best about being a vampire: Living forever

What you would like least about being a vampire: Blood stained teeth

Could You Be a Vampire?

You Are 48% Evil

You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.

Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.

How Evil Are You?

Your Interpersonal Intelligence Score: 86%

Your Interpersonal Intelligence is Very High

You go beyond being a "people person." Connecting with people is the most important thing in your life.

You're empathetic, friendly, and outgoing. You are the kind of friend people dream of having.

Your interpersonal intelligence is a gift. And you use it well.

How Does Your Interpersonal Intelligence Rate?

You Should Learn Chinese

Surprised? You shouldn't be - Chinese is perfect for an ambitious person like you.

You're a natural entrepreneur, and a billion people are waiting to do business with you!

What Language Should You Learn?

You Are A Social Butterfly

You love your friends so much...

You're motto is "the more, the merrier"!

Making sure everyone's included is your mission

And you always prefer a group of ten to a group of two

What Kind of Friend Are You?

Your Envy Quotient: 25%

You are an occasionally envious person, but jealousy doesn't usually get the better of you.

You're wise enough to know that envy feels horrible - and does nothing to improve your life.

A little jealousy is normal: so go ahead and let yourself feel it. But don't let it bum you out!

How Much Envy Do You Have?

3:37 AM

Sunday, April 6, 2008
whoo,i am beat....

Gdness,now i've realised the importance of having a kitchen in the house. I mean just for my mum to do laundry,we had to go to my aunt's house today and my uncle's house yesterday to finish the whole family's laundry. Surprisingly,mine is the least...tink becuz i was cooped up at home so ya!
Yesterday morning,i gave myself a surprise as i woke up at 7a.m,i was nice enough to company my mum go for blood test at polyclinic. Actually thought want to meet her after her check-up so i can just meet her for breakfast. Haizz...but somehow i was an angel yesterday. So had breakfast at BK,miss having the breakfast there. Then we were nice enough to get breakfast fro dad and bro,so ya went home...then pack laundry.gosh..nak gi rumah orang cuci baju...tapi beg bawak nye lawa...kalah org nak gi holiday!! So ya.took taxi to my uncle house as he lived at admiralty..and the bagS were heavy!! ..
hehe...oh ya...i was playing wif my kuzin nye enormous teddy bear..then the bulu2 all like come out...then kena my contact lens seh..then took left side eye bengkak 4 a while..cause of tot..k...nvm..let my eye rest...then put back..skali..hehe..wen i wan put back..i tot wan wash a bit my lens a bit wif tap water..skali..dumb2 me...ter-ON the water too ya...tink..the pressure was a bit too much for my lens..then it went out of shape...biler dah kering..then lens is no longer circle... wawa...i ready didnt bring my i was one-eyed till i reach home!
heh..wen reach there....then wen finally
1st few times my mum ask me hungry or not..i SAE NO!!! then wen mum busy...hangin the clothes... i extra2 go find her...
Me: Bnyk baju?1
Mum: Baju abg kau ar...
Mum: Ibu tak lapar..asal kau lapar...?
Me: tak lapar..tapi GRL-GRL mcm nak MKN ar...
Mum: la tu...inside my wallet gto $ u wan u go buy ar,,then buy for ur cousin & uncle oso..
Me: Actuali grl-grl,nak mkn pizza ar...
Mum:oh..then go order ar...
Me: *ZOOM*took my hp and order...kwa2...
i faster ask my kuzin was pizza they mum pun POP out of the kitchen sae she wan e chicken wings..
so ya as will take abt an the whole bunch of us were watchin tv...then all kinda comment/sound effects came out..
so dun wadz sup wif grl-grl..out of the blue..
Girl-Girl: Girl-girl want go pee-pee!
Mum: Rain-rain go away,come again another day,
girl-girl wan to go pee-pee!
The rest of the people look at grl..and laugh...whee...
Next song sang by mum..hehe were on the way 2 nicey kuzin sent us back took bus..hehe...grl2 wanted go
Mum: Rain-rain go away, come again another day,
Girl-girl wan to go Northpoint!
Both me and my kuzins was givin my mum one kinda if she's high on sugar..
i do not know where the hell she obtained the sugar...when i am so LOW ON SUGAR!!!

tatz the only stpd tings i remembered from yesterdae..
today..nutin much...i was entertainin myself at my aunt house..thanx 4 e yummy food..miss home-cooked least now im full.. hip2hurra!!

lazy wan type...rushin so can go watch my Phantom of the Opera.

Young Missy is Pleased,

3:56 AM

Friday, April 4, 2008
A Hungry Person is an Angry Person.

I am really pissed. Mr A. said that the workers he sent is the best of his team. So when i heard that i do not expect any problems,the only thing i want is the end product that i want is being achieved! Gdness,firstly you expect us to pass certain information to your workers,what do you take us for... MSN? Halo,may i remind you that WE ARE YOUR CLIENTS! Secondly,your workers are blur,i can accept it when they ask us to double confirm but when they come asking us what exactly they neede to do,that is simply too much. I mean think about it if i knew every single details,i don't think i will be in need of your service.Whatever we have discussed during our visit to your office seems to only be on paper,but in reality,your people do not know what the hell they are doing!!!!!! Looks like the long hours spent during our discussion was simply a waste of time. I am not being racist,but this is a typical example of JANJI MELAYU! Somehow,when it comes to serious work,Malays simply can't carry out their duties or even simple promises. Some of you may think,i have something against the malays...but then think about it,im myself am a malay,...u think im not embarassed to be a malay.But however the term "malay" seems not only to be a term to categorise the melayu ppl..but it is also the term being used to categorise the people who simply are not able to carry out their duties properly. Fine,this is only the 1st mistake of the whole project..i'll accept the fact that nothing has perfection,however i do expect the mistakes discovered to be amended. I'll advice you hear from a "typical ignorant teen" me,then my bro..his words is more harsh than me Mr A. Gd luck.

I have not eaten anything till now,therefore i may be a little harsh. Well a hungry person is an angry person! But wth...stilll....arrGGG!!! the reason i even bother is becuz...there r certain things regardin the project thatz botherin my mum...but the she does not know how to speak out...wen it cums to tiz tings!!! SO IM E 1 TAT GET NAGG AT.... N FUCK LAH!!!! im gettin pissed...

*But certain things that i've typed out are basic Facts. I am sincerely sorry if u felt angry on what i write,however please remember this is my blog,therefore my freedom on writing what i feel.I shall stop here before i get carried away*

The One who is Starving,

1:26 AM

Thursday, April 3, 2008
The boredness continues....

The boredness of hell continues.

Now its like 1:50pm..the I.C for the kitchen tiles arrive half an hour ago. He is not only starting the gring-gring and boom-boom noise.....he's also adding the whoosh-whoosh sound. At this rate...there's a high possibility that I may really go more nuts. least today i managed to wake up at a later time..i woke up at about 11:30 a.m and frankly right now...i am feeling so hungry!! Lazy want to go out to buy food, mum said maybe order delivery and till now she hasn't told me what to order. I am craving for cheeseburger,cheesecake,KFC and also Hawaiian Pizza.

PS:I am still sleepy.

Yours Truly who's Currently Suffering,
UnsTabLe a.k.a Hida.

10:50 PM

End of the Day.

rite...i do realised that i've not exactly done any work,but i feel EXHAUSTED. The kitchen men(s) jus left at about 6:35p.m they did overtime today.
im tired....sleepy....but forcin to myself to stay up so i can watch my prog. Surprisingly today i only had one meal,and i juz had that meal at abt 4p.m. Thanx to my aunt,who decides to pay me n my mum a visit,and somehow..she sense that we were ya...she bought us food...she even bought me MY FAV PORTUGUESE EGG TART!!!! THANX!!!!! U'RE MY HEROINE!. i dun tink mum goin to ask me buy dinner cuz i tink like me i dun feel tat hungry....
n wow..i've discovered today that i had candy cane in my fridge today,but being in the dusty evironment,trust me u wont exactly be able to enjoy the candy cane! So i continued digging for sweets,and i found 1...but then i realised that no matter how much i ate it...i felt check the packaging up...n WTH IT'S SUGAR FREE!!! wow..tat helps...haizz...
due to boredness both me n mum were blur nd a BIT DUMB!
aniwae...tats e end of today's noisy and boring episode..!!

The one who is in Need of Sugar,
UnsTabLe a.k.a Hida.

4:18 AM

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Irritating Noise

An update on Gring-Gring of Hell episode 3.

The electrician man juz left,2dae he came electricity part stil not the building of the......I DUN NOE WAD THE HELL THEY R DOIN!!!! so ya...jus hear knock2 gring2 & boom2 n u noe tat they're working..
so the noisiest place in the house is the kitchen!! Im hungry...haven eaten yet....
gdnes.......oh there's a n additional stomacch growling..
yesterdae...i so had a late lunch n i tink i now how it feels to have a minor gastric...sucky...bloop...bbtw my SUGAR LEVEL HAS REALLY BEEN LOW!!!!

Low On Sugar Is Not Gd 4 Me,

11:30 PM

bored.... ya...

What Nur Hida Means

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.

You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.

And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.

You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.

You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.

You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.

Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.

Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.

You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.

You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row.

You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.

People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You Are a Cappuccino

You're fun, outgoing, and you love to try anything new.

However, you tend to have strong opinions on what you like.

You are a total girly girly at heart - and prefer your coffee with good conversation.

You're the type that seems complex to outsiders, but in reality, you are easy to please

You Are 35% Perfectionist

Occasionally you have perfectionist tendencies, but overall you're pretty normal.

You're sometimes hard on yourself, but you usually focus on what you're doing right!

Are You a Perfectionist?

You Communicate With Your Ears

You love conversations, both as a listener and a talker.

What people say is important to you, and you're often most affected by words, not actions.

You love to hear complements from others. And when you're upset, you often talk to yourself.

Music is very important to you. It's difficult to find you without your iPod.

How Do You Communicate?

You Are Very Happy

Your life is totally together, and you enjoy every day.

And you don't need a quiz to tell you that!

You know how to find pleasure in the little things...

And even when life isn't so great, you have a good sense of perspective.

How Happy Are You, Really?

What Your Favorite Color Orange Says About You:

Joyful --- Enthusiastic --- Optimistic

Outgoing --- Accepting --- Confident

Loud --- Unruly --- Impulsive

What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You?

You Are a Natural Entrepreneur

You're creative, driven, and full of great ideas.

You could be the next Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, or Oprah.

Keep with your dreams, even if people don't understand or respect them.

Someday you'll have too much money to care what they think!

Are You a Natural Entrepreneur?

Your Personality is Very Rare (ENTP)

Your personality type is optimistic, curious, enthusiastic, and open.

Only about 4% of all people have your personality, including 3% of all women and 5% of all men.

You are Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving.

Your Scholastic Strength Is Innovating

You are the master of new ideas, techniques, and ways of looking at things.

You are talented at structuring thoughts, decision making, clarifying, and making deadlines.

You should major in:




Cognitive Science



What Should You Major In?

9:04 PM

Hell of many levels.

i cant take it..i am so freakin tired!!! i woke up at couldn't take it..wanted to take a short nap at abt 10...butt couldn't as there was e LOUD GRING2,BOOM2,KNOCK2!!! and my electricity was playing boo cha2 wif me. i stil and 7 more days to suffer...and that is if everything goes!!

8:04 PM

Check out my Slide Show!

i am not the one working but i feel so tired. Anyway the work at my house officially ended at errr....abt 3 hours ago,which means at about 3:42p.m. My mum was kepo enough or shall i say bored enough to have a conversation wif the workers. Let's see,today in the kitchen group there was 2 chinese guys who has the thick chinese accent exactly like the people from China. Then the 2nd group who was playing wif electricity in my brother's room was two malay siblings from kuantan. These two groups are from Malaysia.Both groups are nice people....hmm...i guess lah. Aniway,both group's workers are like middle-aged.Except for one who is from the electrician group...he has the looks of a 18-20yr old. I was dumb enough to listen to my mum kepo's stories/gossip.
oh ya,surprisingly the younger guy from the kitchen grp cant speak eng.weird...
Me:If you want there's drink over there.
He looks at me one kind.
Him:Ape awak cakap? Saya tak faham!
I look at him then laugh thought he was joking.
My mum gave eye signals to me.
Then finally i understood.
Me:Oh....kalau nak minum,di sana ada air!

Anyway,err..oh and my mum went out for lunch at abt 2 plus...we just ate the coffeeshop downstairs,cant bear to leave the house for too long. I was hungry,but then the food the stalls,kinda ruin my appetite,so didnt eat much. But one thing for sure,i ate the goreng pisang.
I stil am sleepy.....that's the problem if i wake up too early,i'll feel sleepy in the evening. HELP!!!!

Aniway,that's the end of Gring2 Episode two.
Expect more noise but no excitement in tmr's episode of Gring2!

Btw,i haven had dinner yet,wonder what mum goin to ask me buy...I AM SO FREAKING LAZY!!!!

The Girl who wishes for a Better Life but yet is stil Satisfied wif her Current Life.
UnsTabLe a.k.a Ida.

3:40 AM

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Today is the second episode of gring2. hmm...Aniway....the electrician man and the errr..put the tiles in the kitchen mens are all here about one hour ago. And due to this i had to wake up EARLY!!!!! Goodness.....actually..i only wake up 3o mins after they arrive,but then cant stand mum's screamin to wake me up,it irritates me.
So enclosed room area....the door is open..
N currently at 10:26 am,the gring2 irritating noise officially starts.
Ear plugs anyone?

This post is now re-edited at 11:56a.m.
I cant stand it...besides the gring2 noise,there's also bOOm-Boom & KnoCk-Knock. Currently blasting music into my ears,though i am in the room.the door is open therefore,the whole working scene is being exposed to my ears. Gdness,aniway,the tv is like prevent the gring2 & boom2 nye dust to fall on it. Therefore,i now have one less entertainment. Btw,im am also suffering as my mum force me to download MAlay songs...some i don't mind but the rest are like gdness...zaman batu...but wth...its either the music or gring2...therefore..i choose the music!! Guess it makes sense when Music is my Life. *currently,the boom2 is goin on* Im hungry,didnt had breakfast currently not even having lunch. its afternoon,aint the time so SLOW. My mum locked herself in the room,lucky her. Haizz.......

The Girl who Needs Her Supply of Sugar & Entertainment,
UnsTabLe a.k.a Hida

In need of sleep & Entertainment.

UnsTabLe a.k.a Hida

7:24 PM

Gotta stop being a hater & control myself....

i finally realise why it aint exactly good to let your anger or temper get over you,as once u got over your anger,you realised that you've done an extremely stupid thing and when you wanna to get things back to normal,you realise you cant. But im lucky though...hope it wont offend him.I didnt mean it. Let's say i did sumting evil to my 1st bro today...SORRY!!!!

Aniwae...for today can say i only had 2 meals....For lunch bought packed lunch,then for dinner ordered mac donalds,was too lazy to go out and get dinner as it was raining. Feels funny though,when you only ordered two set meals..for delivery. But being a typical girl who___________________________________________________.
I was kinda happy that i ordered the delivery. I mean though i was a bit distracted by______________________i stil manage to watch Police & thief. Aniwae,aint customers profile or whatever suppose to be confidential,i mean ya for certain reasons it has to be revealed....glad________________________________________________. Even though it was a misunderstanding on my part,im glad even though________________________________your customer service simply impressed me. I may pass on some sarcasms even though i didnt mean too,i apologize on my part,i sincerely meant no harm. Hope that somehow _____________________________________________.
I seriously don't know what's going on with me,i totally blew it. Frankly,the reason im even typing this is due to the fact that i cant sleep,not knowin why. Maybe its because of the EYEs!!!!!!! _____________________________________________________________________________________.
So funny. N oh of snakes and lizards are in my mind....think is because of the events that occured to me today!!! Am i in need of a doc?? hmm...i dun think so...just being paranoid,even though i wish to be 18 soon...somehow..i feel...gettin older will make me more paranoid!!!! GET CONTROL OF YOURSELF HIDA!!!! U'RE LOSING IT!!!!!

PS: The eyes is stuck in my mind. Is that good or bad?

Paranoia Unwanted By,
UnsTabLe a.k.a Ida

8:33 AM

End of Gring2 Part 1.

Now officially at 5:23pm i am enjoying the peaceful moments at home.
The Destroyers of kitchen officially left the premises at 5:01pm. They finish destroying my kitchen officially at 3:53pm.
I c them destroyin my cabinet so easy..i oso can do..juz kick2 there..then punch2 a lil bit..then *poof* all e lizards will appear n sae bye2!!!
Tokin abt mum was a bit kepo to go and look at e destroyed kitchen..n she saw a lizard..n sumhow tat lizard was SO SHOCKED TAT IT TOOK OFF ITS TAIL!!! mum already threw away its tail...but the lizard is stil there...
I think the lizard think that by not moving it is camouflage wif my brown flooring in the kitchen...
Dear Lizard,suggest you better run off before my dad comes back....cuz dad knows tat if i see a lizard running around...i will also be one who is runnin around n screaming then laughing for no reason!!!
oh..ya..juz up wif an old fren..kinda shock at wad he's studyin currently...but then not too shocked...hmm...wonders... haha...too bored..

Gring-Gring Drama Series Episode 2 will be back tmr.

MadNeSS Luvin Her Surroundings,
UnsTabLe a.k.a Ida.

2:23 AM

Nur Hida !

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I'm one who have said things and done things...Been proven right, been proven wrong, still learning about life... Wants the best out of most things... Loves the people around me.. Make them upset and you'll be hearing from me!

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They prove to be a good friend and always help the person in need. They expect nothing in return. This quality in them keeps no one annoyed with them for too long. They are fun loving and boundaries often denies them of happiness. They are quite moody and react to the same situations differently due to their moods. They are a mixed blend of humor, intellect and honesty. They are fun loving and it is difficult to keep them concentrated on a single situation for too long.They are innocent and speak up what is in their mind. They seem to be a little confused. They speak out harshly unintentionally making the person offended.

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